
Sender: zpajol@london.monde-diplomatique.fr
Reply-To: edward@hol.nl (Edward Schwienbacher) (by way of marc@info.unicaen.fr (MarcChemillier))
Mime-Version: 1.0
Precedence: Bulk
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 00:53:31 +0100 (MET)
From: edward@hol.nl (Edward Schwienbacher) (by way of marc@info.unicaen.fr (MarcChemillier))
To: Multiple recipients of <zpajol@london.monde-diplomatique.fr>
Subject: [ZPAJOL] Sans papiers

Un nouveau contact international...
Please add me to your mailing lists. I am going to forward your message
(rec'd via Australia) to the National Coalition Against Deportations in
Birmingham UK and the Autonoom Centrum in Amsterdam, both good
organisations who fight the disgusting treatment of so called "illegals" in
this fortress of the EU.

Good luck with your work, much needs to be done in Holland too, the
inhumane treatment goes on here on a wide scale, in prisons and detention
camps where
Cameras are not allowed to film and journalists cannot talk to detainees.


Ed Schwienbacher

Les Africains sans-papiers de St Ambroise.
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